3 Benefits of Mobile Technology for Utility Workers
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  • Writer's pictureKirstin Kohl

3 Benefits of Mobile Technology for Utility Workers

The energy industry has thousands of field service workers checking meters, fixing outages, and repairing broken/outdated equipment. These employees need access to real-time data and the ability to connect with headquarters even in remote areas.

Gas, electricity, oil, and water companies are now using technology to remove the barriers that once kept technicians tied to their trucks. Managed mobile devices allow instant access to applications, easy data input, and streamlined customer interactions.

Instant Access to Applications

Since utility services are often spread across vast areas, you’re going to need a robust network connection and a lot of processing power. Cloud-based solutions like Microsoft Azure allow employees to work from a secure device that feeds directly into your data storage. They’ll have continuous access to geolocation and collaboration tools, meaning more flexibility for them and more visibility at the corporate level.

Easy Data Input

Field service workers are required to test a variety of different gages and other equipment. With a managed mobile device, you can merge many processes into one easy-to-use tool. Smartphones and tablets can be equipped with applications that make it simple to perform tasks and upload data.

You can even automate processes so information can be seen and analyzed by multiple parties at once. For example, a team leader can monitor and respond to job approvals and reporting in real-time, leading to better workflow management.

Streamlined Customer Interactions

Customers are more involved in utility management than ever before. They expect to be able to access their account, review energy consumption, and report problems from their phone without having to speak to someone directly. With mobile technology, payment becomes easier as well. Field service workers can generate an invoice, scan a card, and obtain a digital signature in front of the customer to optimize transactions.

To learn more about mobile technology for your utility company, contact Iserv today!

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