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  • Writer's pictureKirstin Kohl

5 Questions Your Business Should Ask Before Choosing a Cloud Solution

As businesses operate through the Covid era, new needs arise to manage and support employees wherever they work. The Cloud offers improved accessibility, flexibility, security, and cost-efficiency. Whether you’re just beginning your cloud journey or upgrading an existing solution, here are five questions you should ask so that you can choose the right offering.

1. What are our business objectives?

Before considering any IT solution, you should identify your goals and how the cloud will help support them. Without a clear strategy, you won’t fully take advantage of all the tools available in a Managed Cloud environment. Once your objectives are decided, a cloud provider can assist you with the next step.

2. Who will manage it?

To determine the resources needed for migration, refer to your objectives. Businesses that lack in-house expertise might want to outsource IT management while others might choose a more hybrid solution. Partnering with a cloud provider can make life a lot easier. Plus, many modern cloud tools are automated and can deliver custom performance reports for increased visibility.

3. How will we know which cloud tools to implement?

The cloud can be challenging, but you don’t have to migrate alone! A cloud provider will perform a cloud readiness assessment on your environment to outline your current system. With these details, they can build an opportunities roadmap for your business.

4. What areas of the business will be affected?

It’s important to know which systems will be affected during the cloud migration. Employees need access to their data, especially in IT, so it’s crucial to plan the move around your security and networking needs. Additionally, your cloud partner will ensure you stay up and running from testing through the final migration.

5. How does billing work?

Most cloud providers use a utility model, so the cost for your cloud solution becomes an operational expense. The Azure platform is pay-as-you-go, which means it’s easy to scale up or down as your needs change.

Unsure whether moving to the cloud is right for your business? Contact Iserv today at to start your cloud readiness assessment and gain valuable insights about your environment and the cost of upgrading. We can help answer all these questions and more!

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