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Providing Services To Customers Worldwide For Over 30+ Years

Writer's pictureKirstin Kohl

Business Benefits: The Value of Video Meetings

The hybrid work model (mix of office and at-home) is here to stay! So how can your business ensure communication is fast, reliable, and user-friendly? Video conferencing tools, such as Microsoft Teams, are an all-in-one solution that enables anytime, anywhere communication. Let’s look at three of the biggest benefits: workplace flexibility, cost reduction, and clear communication.

1. Workplace Flexibility

Don’t let your projects stall by waiting for everyone to get into the office for a meeting. Simply schedule a video call with co-workers, vendors, or customers to make decisions quickly, from anywhere. Video also improves productivity! Employees that have access to remote work technology have proven themselves capable of managing their time efficiently.

2. Cost Reduction

I’m not saying in-person meetings are bad; I’m just saying they’re slower. Think about the cost (money and time), and how much an employee can get done if they’re not sitting in traffic. Video conferencing offers the human element of face-to-face meetings, without the associated travel expenses. Leverage video collaboration tools to streamline your daily schedule and increase your production.

3. Clear Communication

A lot of us are visual learners, myself included. Video meetings are an efficient way to connect quickly with someone to clarify information, ask questions, and set up timelines. Features like screen-sharing let participants review and update projects in real-time. Being able to see body language, facial expressions, and non-verbal cues helps to build stronger relationships as well.

To learn more about video conferencing for your business, contact Iserv today:

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