How Productivity Decreases in the Blink of an Eye When There’s Bad Corporate WiFi
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How Productivity Decreases in the Blink of an Eye When There’s Bad Corporate WiFi

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

In the modern workplace, flexibility encourages productivity. When allowed to use personal devices, American employees saved a total of 81 minutes during the working week (Cisco IBSG). Enterprise WiFi connects these smart devices to the internet and helps speed up day-to-day office activities.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

If you want your employees to stay connected all day, don’t keep them tied to a desktop computer. Mobility decreases dead-time – people can respond to emails while walking to a meeting or even in the meeting when appropriate. When used correctly, BYOD improves collaboration because employees have access to documents/online sources anywhere in the office. Your high-performance internal WiFi drives this productivity.

Workplace Freedom

I know what you’re thinking: If we let them have their phone, they’ll be on social media all day! Sure, smart devices can cause distractions, but more connectivity also leads to more completed tasks. Employees using corporate WiFi can continue working on-premises plus deal with external situations that demand their attention.

Besides productivity, employees report higher job satisfaction and loyalty when they are empowered to use their own devices. According to Network World, “29% [of employees] declared workplace flexibility as the biggest contributor to employer loyalty”.

A mobile-first workplace allows for enhanced responsiveness from hardworking employees who are comfortable using their own devices. Let’s face it; workplace priorities have changed. The way you implement corporate WiFi positively affects your bottom line. Employers who want to get the most out of their workers should trust them with WiFi and mobile devices.

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